Form View
Build a form to collect information from the users.
When the user submit the form, the values can be access in the environment variable with the __ARGS__FORM_VALUE
key or the one that you defined in the form name
The form value is stored as JSON with { "key": "value" }
format where the property key is the key you defined in the form field.
interface CommandJSONViewForm { type: 'form'; name?: string; title?: string; description?: string; cancelBtnText?: string; submitBtnText?: string; fields: (CommandJSONViewFormFields | CommandJSONViewFormFields[])[];}
Property | Type | Description |
type | form | The view type |
fields | (CommandJSONViewFormFields | CommandJSONViewFormFields[])[] | The form’s fields |
name | ?string | The key where the form value can be accessed in the environment variable, default is form_value . This will be converted as SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE with __ARGS__ as the prefix. For example, form_value converted into __ARGS__FORM_VALUE |
title | ?string | The form’s title |
description | ?string | Description of the form |
cancelBtnText | ?string | Text on the form cancel button |
submitBtnText | ?string | Text on the form submit button |
console.log(JSON.stringify({ view: { type: 'form', title: 'Forms', fields: [ { key: 'text-field-1', type: 'text', label: 'Text field', }, { key: 'textarea', type: 'text', multiline: true, label: 'Textarea', }, // This will be in the same row [ { type: 'toggle', key: 'toggle1', label: 'Toggle 1', }, { type: 'toggle', key: 'toggle2', label: 'Toggle 2', }, ] ] }}));
Form Fields
List field you can use to create a form.
type CommandJSONViewFormFields = | CommandJSONViewFormDate | CommandJSONViewFormToggle | CommandJSONViewFormSelect | CommandJSONViewFormTextField;
Text Field
Displays a form input field.
interface CommandJSONViewFormTextField { key: string; type: 'text'; label?: string; required?: boolean; multiline?: boolean; description?: string; placeholder?: string; defaultValue?: string;}
Property | Type | Description |
type | text | The form field type |
key | string | The field unique key |
label | ?string | Label for the field |
required | ?boolean | Whether the user is required to input the field |
multiline | ?boolean | Whether the user can input multiple line of text |
description | ?string | Description of the form field |
placeholder | ?string | Text to be displayed when the field has no value |
defaultValue | ?string | Default value of the field |
console.log(JSON.stringify({ view: { type: 'form', fields: [ { key: 'text-field', type: 'text', label: 'Text field', }, { key: 'textarea', type: 'text', multiline: true, label: 'Textarea', }, ] }}));
Date Field
Displays a date form input field.
interface CommandJSONViewFormTextField { key: string; type: 'date'; label?: string; required?: boolean; multiline?: boolean; description?: string; placeholder?: string; defaultValue?: string;}
Property | Type | Description |
type | date | The form field type |
key | string | The field unique key |
label | ?string | Label for the field |
required | ?boolean | Whether the user is required to input the field |
includeTime | ?boolean | Whether to show the time selection |
description | ?string | Description of the form field |
placeholder | ?string | Text to be displayed when the field has no value |
defaultValue | ?string | Default value of the field |
console.log(JSON.stringify({ view: { type: 'form', fields: [ { key: 'date', type: 'date', label: 'Select a date', }, ] }}));
Select Field
Displays a list of options for the user to pick from.
interface CommandJSONViewFormTextField { key: string; type: 'select'; options: (string | { label: string; value: string })[]; label?: string; required?: boolean; description?: string; placeholder?: string; defaultValue?: string;}
Property | Type | Description |
type | select | The form field type |
key | string | The field unique key |
options | (string | { label: string; value: string })[] | The select’s options |
label | ?string | Label for the field |
required | ?boolean | Whether the user is required to input the field |
description | ?string | Description of the form field |
placeholder | ?string | Text to be displayed when the field has no value |
defaultValue | ?string | Default value of the field |
console.log(JSON.stringify({ view: { type: 'form', fields: [ { key: 'select', type: 'select', label: 'Select an option', options: [ 'option-1', { label: 'Option 2', value: 'option-2' }, { label: 'Option 3', value: 'option-3' }, ] }, ] }}));
Toggle Field
A control that allows the user to toggle between checked and not checked.
interface CommandJSONViewFormTextField { key: string; type: 'toggle'; label?: string; description?: string; defaultValue?: boolean;}
Property | Type | Description |
type | toggle | The form field type |
key | string | The field unique key |
label | ?string | Label for the field |
description | ?string | Description of the form field |
defaultValue | ?boolean | Default value of the field |
console.log(JSON.stringify({ view: { type: 'form', fields: [ { key: 'toggle', type: 'toggle', label: 'Airplane Mode', }, ] }}));